пятница, 15 февраля 2013 г.

Rendering on painting(1)

The article is from а newspaper under the nameplate “The Art Newspaper”. It was published on the http://www.theartnewspaper.com/articles/Painting+by+D%C3%A8lacroix+defaced+in+Louvre-Lens/28609 on the 8th of February of 2013. This article is entitled “Painting by Dèlacroix defaced in Louvre-Lens” and the headline of the article corresponds to the topic. The author of the article is Gareth Harris.

The author starts by telling the reader that Eugene Dèlacroix’s painting “Liberty Leading the People” (28 July 1830) has been defaced while on view at the Louvre-Lens in northern France. According to the text, a 28-year-old woman scrawled across the bottom of the painting with a marker pen shortly before the museum closed on the 7th of February. She was apprehended by security staff and then arrested by the police.

It’s an open secret that Dèlacroix’s painting is on display in the main exhibition area, entitled the Gallery of Time, at the Louvre-Lens, the satellite branch that opened last December. Eugene Delacroix is numbered among the greatest and most influential of French painters. He is most often classified as an artist of the Romantic school. His remarkable use of color was later to influence impressionist painters and even modern artists such as Pablo Picasso.

Later in the article the author describes what specialists from the Louvre’s painting department commented about that. After the initial assessment of the damage, a decision would be taken whether the painting will be removed for restoration.

The author concludes that all the markings had been successfully removed. The restoration work was done on site and took less than two hours. The painting went on show again. The museum said it planned to step up its security measures.

I found the article useful but I appreciate the author's word-painting as ordinary. To my mind, this article could be more emotional, coloured and heartfelt.

 I think that there must be a serious penalty for destroying public property. People should learn how to value and secure the brilliant works of art and be responsible for them. It’s difficult to imagine on what some people can go to earn money or to prove their strange motives.  So we must be very cautious in order to prevent such crimes!

1 комментарий:

  1. Proper beginning looks like this
    The article I would like to present is HEADLINED “Painting by Dèlacroix defaced in Louvre-Lens”. The author of the article is Gareth Harris.
    It was published in “The Art Newspaper” on February 8, 2013.
    The article is dedicated to ...

    As for the conclusion, you are to express your opinion about the subject matter rather than the form of the presentation.

    In places it looks like interpretation.
